Our Vision

Imagine a world where young minds in Africa have access to world-class STEM education. A world where innovation and discovery know no boundaries. This is the vision that drives us. With your support, we can make it a reality.

OneAfrica University Advantage

Our university will be a beacon of hope, providing cutting-edge STEM education to students who might not otherwise have this opportunity. But it's not just about education; it's about empowerment. Empowering young minds to become problem solvers, innovators, and leaders.

Empower The Future

Suggested Amounts

The OAU Foundation is set up under the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code (IRC) 501 (c) (3). Donations are tax deductible under IRC Section 170. The OAU Foundation is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522. Our tax ID is 88-2392511.

Privacy policy:

Your online donations are safe and secure. The OAU Foundation uses industry-standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to protect the confidentiality of your personal information and the security of your transaction during transmission.

Donations made through our website are in compliance with PCI data security standards. We do not store or retain your credit/debit card information after the transaction is processed.

All online transactions will be confirmed by a follow-up email. The OAU Foundation’s goal is to forge a long-term partnership with you, and we value and appreciate the trust that accompanies your online donation. If you donate online, The OAU Foundation will never sell, rent or trade this information to a third party.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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